Isaiah 53 and its use in the New Testament and classical Pentecostal churches in Southern Africa


  • Marius Nel North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa


In Pentecostal parlance one regularly hears that divine healing is founded on Christ’s work on the cross, with reference to Isaiah 53:5, “by his bruises we are healed,” and its use in the New Testament (Matt 8:17; 1 Pet 2:22-25). In this research, Isaiah 53 is placed against its historical context in terms of current scholarship before Pentecostal literature is investigated for its reference to this concept. Then current readings of the Bible in empirical research are used to correlate with the usage in early Pentecostalism before some conclusions are made about Bible reading practices and hermeneutics in the particular church that was investigated, the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa (AFM of SA).




How to Cite

Nel, M. (2020). Isaiah 53 and its use in the New Testament and classical Pentecostal churches in Southern Africa. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, 21(1), 70–90. Retrieved from



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