Editorial: Spirit-filled Christianity and The Dreaming: Can Australia Create Space for Theological “Makarrata”?


  • Tanya Riches Hillsong College



Within this special edition of Australasian Pentecostal Studies (APS), Spirit-filled Christianity played host for a much-needed discussion intended to recognise ways urban Aboriginal people continue their culture/s and negotiate spiritualities in the Australian context today. “The Dreaming” is growing in importance within Australia, in part due to the Welcome/Acknowledgement cultural protocols now officiated by the state and many organisations. However, this is largely a Western appropriation of diverse Aboriginal cultures, and spiritualities. Incorporation of The Dreaming is controversial amongst theologians, but even more so in many Aboriginal Pentecostal churches. Following calls for “Makarrata” (a coming together after a struggle) in wider society, this article outlines the need, and possibility, for respectful dialogue that prioritises Aboriginal voices within the church.



How to Cite

Riches, T. (2020). Editorial: Spirit-filled Christianity and The Dreaming: Can Australia Create Space for Theological “Makarrata”?. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, 20(-). Retrieved from https://www.aps-journal.com/index.php/APS/article/view/9519

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